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Moomin Lip Balm - Honey

Moomin Lip Balm - Honey

Regular price $8.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.99 USD
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A silky smooth lip balm that will soften and moisturize your lips and skin. Made of bees wax from bees that have pollinated thousands of Swedish flowers. Together with cold pressed Gotland rapeseed oil and nourishing shea butter, you have something really good for dry lips, hands, and weather-bitten cheeks. The traditional plastic container has been replaced in favor for a recyclable paper tube of highest quality in a beautiful Moomin design.

We have chosen Moominmamma as the front character because she is Mother Nature of the Moominvalley, a safe base the others can lean on (nothing really works at all when Moominmamma is not in place). The Moomin mother loves to cultivate and craft in her garden, spreading a warm, calm and loving energy around her.

Made in Sweden

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